Sunday, November 2, 2008


"Yum! 11-02-08" by Smedley

Smedley says: "This ice cream cart is going down the city street to sell ice cream to children."

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Welcome to Baloney Girls

The Baloney Girls are Smedley, currently aged 7 1/2 years . . .

and Sparky, who's almost 5 1/2 . . .

(The halves matter.) I am their mom, Laurie, and I closely monitor what they will post and what may be left as a comment here, for obvious reasons. Pictures of the girls will never be published here, nor will their real names, which are a tad less colorful than their nicknames.

We plan to post their artwork here, and you can bet that Smedley, especially, will have a lot to say, once in a while.

Thanks for visiting!

Baloney Mom (Laurie)